VTW550-90 Wheel-Type Remote Mower Demonstrates Capability to Cut Tall Grass

We recently received feedback from a Japanese customer, along with some videoes demonstrating the VTW550-90 wheel-type mower successfully cutting tall grass. Although this model is primarily designed for well-maintained lawns, its high-quality components—including branded motors and a durable generator—make it a standout performer in its category.

However, we do not recommend using wheel-type mowers like the VTW550-90 to cut such tall and thick grass regularly. If it is necessary to mow under these conditions, we advise either reducing the mowing speed or shortening the continuous mowing time to avoid overburdening the machine.

For the best results in tackling taller, denser grass, we recommend upgrading to a more powerful model, such as the VTLM800 tracked mower.

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